Broken Sewer Line Repair Companies in Glenview Illinois

Dealing With FOG (Fats, Oils, and Grease): Insights from a Broken Sewer Line Repair Company in Glenview, Illinois

Home 9 Sewer Line 9 Dealing With FOG (Fats, Oils, and Grease): Insights from a Broken Sewer Line Repair Company in Glenview, Illinois

No homeowner wants to deal with a broken sewer line — but knowing what causes it and how to avoid it can save you a lot of trouble in the long run. After all, this plumbing problem is more common than you might think.

A common cause of a broken sewer line is something called FOG (fats, oils, and grease). Unfortunately, these seemingly harmless everyday kitchen by-products can be bad news for your home’s plumbing system. Are you interested in learning how fats, oils, and grease can damage your plumbing system? Wondering how you can avoid this damage? This broken sewer line repair company in Glenview, Illinois is going to explain below.

The hidden risk of FOG

First things first, let’s talk about what FOG really is.

FOG is the by-product of your daily cooking that you probably don’t think twice about — like oil from pans, bacon fat and butter residues. But did you know that pouring it down the sink can cause serious issues in your plumbing?

Fats, oils, and grease might be all nice and liquid as they slide down your drain, but that does not mean they are harmless. As they cool down inside your pipes, they become this gunk-like thing that sticks to your sewer pipes.

How does FOG damage your plumbing?

The problem with FOG buildup is that it is a slow process — so much so that you may not notice anything is wrong until it’s too late. But as more FOG collects inside the pipes, it creates a bottleneck. This makes it harder for water to flow freely, and you can end up with clogs when that happens.

These clogs then start putting substantial pressure on your sewer lines. Over time, this pressure can cause cracks or even complete breaks in the pipes. You could be looking at some costly and disruptive repairs down the line.

How can you be careful about FOG ruining your plumbing?

Start by checking your sinks. If they are draining slower than usual, it could be an early warning sign of FOG buildup.

Another common sign is foul smells coming from your drains. This smell is likely due to FOG creating blockages and trapping smelly, decomposing materials.

If you find yourself dealing with clogs a lot more frequently, this could also be an FOG-related issue. And if you hear any strange sounds from your plumbing, that’s most likely due to trapped air — a consequence of potential FOG blockages.

How to prevent damage from FOG

The good news is that preventing FOG and related issues is easier than you might think.

First, you’ll want to make it a point to dispose of FOG properly. Instead of pouring it down the sink, you can let it cool, solidify, and then scrape it into the trash.

You can also use sink strainers to catch food scraps and other solids that could cause clogs. This is a small investment to avoid big future headaches.

And let’s not forget about maintenance. By scheduling routine maintenance with a broken sewer line repair company in Glenview, Illinois, you can identify and deal with FOG buildup before it becomes a more serious problem.

How to deal with a broken sewer line?

Let’s say the worst happens, and you now have a broken sewer line. It is time to call the professionals. A reputable broken sewer line repair company in Glenview, Illinois will have the knowledge, experience, and tools to tackle these challenges and get your plumbing system back in working order.

Looking for a Broken Sewer Line Repair Company in Glenview, Illinois?

Are your sinks draining slowly due to an accumulation of fats, oils, and grease? If so, and if you’re looking for a broken sewer line repair company in Glenview, Illinois that can fix the issue, R Carrozza Plumbing Co is the company to call. We can diagnose the sewer line issue, evaluate the problem, and provide an effective solution. Contact us today at (847) 451-7040 to get started.